Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Haven't Disappeared

As much as I might try, I'm unable to write an entry every day. That being said, I am trying to write more often, if for no other reason than practice. But it's been a busy week, and when I write I really need to be alone, so please bear with me, I'm just waiting for a quiet time and place.
I am working on something though, that has actually required some research. Suffice to say, my next post is likely to annoy my more liberal friends, and just as likely will annoy my conservative friends. However, I think it's a topic that requires some real debate, all preconceptions aside (if that's possible).
Oh, and to Doc and Wah - I don't know when or if I'll be brave enough to post some of my Unborn Child here - maybe eventually!

I'll try to get something posted tonight or tomorrow if I can finish reading up on a few things.


Doc said...

You don't have to blog everyday... I just try to because I have an irrational fear that my readers will go away and never come back if there isn't something new for them to read...

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme....

Unknown said...

Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.

Francis Bacon.....

Unknown said...

Look like watching series of movies. Pause when it is interesting part.....U already gave some hints to ur reader, so please brave enough to post your unborn child. That exactly Francis Bacon said.....

Keep up the good work.You can make it.

Warmest Regards